AdaCore Blog

An Insight Into the AdaCore Ecosystem

by Olivier Henley
Getting Started with Renode: Simulating an Ada STM32F429disco Blinky Firmware.

Getting Started with Renode: Simulating an Ada STM32F429disco Blinky Firmware.

I recently watched the talks from the 28th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2024), which was held in Barcelona last June.One talk that stood out was "HiRTOS: a Multicore RTOS Written in SPARK Ada" by J. German Rivera. In his presentation, he mentioned running HiRTOS on Renode, an open-source simulation and virtual development framework for complex embedded systems (


by Frederic Leger
Secure Supply Chain and vulnerability reports at AdaCore

Secure Supply Chain and vulnerability reports at AdaCore

In the past few years, attacks compromising software supply chains (MITRE ATT&CK T1195) have become more prominent, with cases such as NotPeya, Target data breach, Solarwinds, … The impact of the SolarWinds attack in 2020 in the United States led to Executive Order 14028, which strongly focuses on improving the security and integrity of software supply chains. Since then, various initiatives have been started, either by governments or organizations, such as SSDF (“Secure Software Development Framework”) by NIST or the SLSA framework (“Supply Chain Levels for Software Artifacts”) by OpenSSF (2021).


by Maxim Reznik
Enhancing Ada Embedded Development: The Power of Real-Time Logging with RTT

Enhancing Ada Embedded Development: The Power of Real-Time Logging with RTT

Efficient embedded development in Ada relies on powerful tools. Real-time logging plays a pivotal role, enabling live monitoring and analysis. Unlike traditional methods, SEGGER's Real-Time Transfer (RTT) method offers hardware-independent real-time logging with low latency.This article explores RTT's simplicity: storing protocol data in a ring buffer on the target device, read by the debugger without halting program execution. The provided Ada code showcases RTT's implementation, from buffer types to control blocks.Integration with development environments is seamless, as seen with the Cortex Debug extension for VS Code. The extension supports RTT, providing features like textual and graphical display of RTT stream data.In summary, SEGGER's RTT method is a powerful, hardware-independent solution for real-time logging in Ada development. Its efficiency and flexibility make it indispensable for debugging, error detection, and security in embedded systems. Explore the GitHub repository for a hands-on experience with RTT in Ada embedded development.

#Embedded    #DIY    #vscode   

by Olivier Henley
A little bit of Photoshop® using GNAT for CUDA®

A little bit of Photoshop® using GNAT for CUDA®

Today I want to go over some internal mechanisms of a Photoshop-like application to better illustrate an up-and-coming tech, GNAT for CUDA®, developed at AdaCore.

#CUDA    #GNAT Pro    #Photoshop    #GPU    #Ada    #AdaCore    #NVIDIA    #GPGPU    #Computer Vision    #Image Analysis    #Bilateral Filter    #Signal Processing    #parallel computing    #Surface Blur    #Image Processing   

by Jose Ruiz
Bare-metal C++ development environment for certifiable safety-critical applications

Bare-metal C++ development environment for certifiable safety-critical applications

We are happy to announce the availability of GNAT Pro for C++, a versatile development environment for bare-metal targets capable of supporting different subsets of the C++ language. It constitutes the best choice for safety-critical bare-metal systems that want to reduce complexity, memory footprint and execution-time overhead, paving the way to software certification. GNAT Pro for C++ targets popular hardware in the avionics, defense, railway, and space domains: PowerPC (32 bits), x86 (64 bits), RISC-V (32/64 bits), LEON3 (32 bits) and ARM (32/64 bits).

#C++    #Safety Critical Development    #Certification    #Bare-metal   

by Elsa Ferrara
Formal Proof on Device Drivers with SPARK

Formal Proof on Device Drivers with SPARK

Programming device drivers requires certain practices or operations. These include, for example, the multitude of volatile variables in the code. On the other hand, SPARK imposes a number of restrictions on programs and also limits the use of certain practices permitted in Ada. Here's a list of hurdles I encountered during my internship involving driver code and the rules authorized by SPARK. I also present ways of getting around these problems, as well as some best practices for having the most SPARK-compatible code in advance. This list is not exhaustive.

by Thijs Dreef
Designing a WebAssembly toolchain for Ada/SPARK

Designing a WebAssembly toolchain for Ada/SPARK

WebAssembly (Wasm) is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine, which was designed as a portable compilation target for programming languages. Wasm can be executed in browsers, native runtimes and embedded contexts.The goal of my six-month internship at AdaCore was to draft a design for a toolchain that would support an Ada/SPARK workflow to WebAssembly. In this blog post the drafted design is introduced and discussed.

by Vadim Godunko
VSS: Cursors, Iterators and Markers

VSS: Cursors, Iterators and Markers

The VSS (as an abbre­vi­a­tion for Vir­tu­al String Sub­sys­tem) library is designed to pro­vide advanced string and text pro­cess­ing capa­bil­i­ties. It offers a con­ve­nient and robust API that allows devel­op­ers to work with Uni­code text, regard­less of its inter­nal rep­re­sen­ta­tion. Last time we provided overview of the library, and in this arti­cle, we will introduce concepts of cursors that are used to iterate, retrieve, and modify text data.

#vss    #Unicode    #strings    #Libraries   

by Claire Dross
SPARK, Beyond Normal Termination

SPARK, Beyond Normal Termination

When teaching SPARK to my students, I generally explain the central position of contracts in formal verification in the following way: Contracts of subprograms summarize their behavior - preconditions constrain their inputs, while postconditions describe their effects. It is an easy way to see contracts, However, not returning normally, for example looping forever or raising exceptions, is definitely a significant effect of a subprogram. Modeling that effect would be beneficial because if it occurs in an unexpected way it might cause the entire program to derail. Release 24.0 of SPARK includes contracts that can be used to reason about subprograms which do not return normally. This blog post describes them.


by Fabien Chouteau
The End of Binary Protocol Parser Vulnerabilities

The End of Binary Protocol Parser Vulnerabilities

This week we announced a new tool called RecordFlux. The goal of RecordFlux is to address one of the most critical parts of the software stack in terms of security, binary protocol parsers/serializers.From a protocol specification written in the RecordFlux Domain Specific Language (DSL), the tool can generate provable SPARK code. This means memory safety (no buffer overruns), absence of integer overflow errors, and even proof of functional properties. In this blog post I will try to explain how this is a game changer for cybersecurity.

by Maxim Reznik
Introduction to VSS library

Introduction to VSS library

The VSS (as an abbre­vi­a­tion for Vir­tu­al String Sub­sys­tem) library is designed to pro­vide advanced string and text pro­cess­ing capa­bil­i­ties. It offers a con­ve­nient and robust API that allows devel­op­ers to work with Uni­code text, regard­less of its inter­nal rep­re­sen­ta­tion. In this arti­cle, we will intro­duce you to the library and explain its pur­pose, high­light­ing its use­ful­ness for devel­op­ers work­ing in this area.

#Unicode    #strings    #Libraries    #vss