AdaCore Blog

An Insight Into the AdaCore Ecosystem

by Fabien Chouteau
The End of Binary Protocol Parser Vulnerabilities

The End of Binary Protocol Parser Vulnerabilities

This week we announced a new tool called RecordFlux. The goal of RecordFlux is to address one of the most critical parts of the software stack in terms of security, binary protocol parsers/serializers.From a protocol specification written in the RecordFlux Domain Specific Language (DSL), the tool can generate provable SPARK code. This means memory safety (no buffer overruns), absence of integer overflow errors, and even proof of functional properties. In this blog post I will try to explain how this is a game changer for cybersecurity.

by Maxim Reznik
Introduction to VSS library

Introduction to VSS library

The VSS (as an abbre­vi­a­tion for Vir­tu­al String Sub­sys­tem) library is designed to pro­vide advanced string and text pro­cess­ing capa­bil­i­ties. It offers a con­ve­nient and robust API that allows devel­op­ers to work with Uni­code text, regard­less of its inter­nal rep­re­sen­ta­tion. In this arti­cle, we will intro­duce you to the library and explain its pur­pose, high­light­ing its use­ful­ness for devel­op­ers work­ing in this area.

#Unicode    #strings    #Libraries    #vss   

by Johannes Kliemann
Adding Ada to Rust

Adding Ada to Rust

While implementing application logic in Ada or SPARK is an improvement over a pure C project, its weakest link is still the C code in the SDK. On the other hand, there are many libraries, board support packages, and SDKs written in Rust, easily usable with Cargo. So instead of building the Ada application on top of a C base, one could use a Rust base instead to combine the large catalog of ready-to-use software with Rust's safety features, providing a much more solid base for an Ada project.

by Yannick Moy
When Formal Verification with SPARK is the Strongest Link

When Formal Verification with SPARK is the Strongest Link

Security is only as strong as its strongest link. That's important to keep in mind for software security, with its long chain of links, from design to development to deployment. Last year, members of NVIDIA's Offensive Security Research team (aka "red team") presented at DEF CON 29 their results on the evaluation of the security of a firmware written in SPARK and running on RISC-V. The ended up not finding vulnerabilities in the code, but in the RISC-V ISA instead. This year, the same team presented at DEF CON 30 a retrospective on the security evaluation of 17 high-impact projects since 2020. TL;DR: using SPARK makes a big difference for security, compared to using C/C++.

#Security    #SPARK    #Formal Verification   

by Fabien Chouteau
Embedded Ada/SPARK, There's a Shortcut

Embedded Ada/SPARK, There's a Shortcut

For years in this blog my colleagues and I have published examples, demos, and how-to’s on Ada/SPARK embedded (as in bare-metal) development. Most of the time, if not always, we focused on one way of doing things: to start from scratch and write everything in Ada/SPARK, from the low level drivers to the application. While this way of doing Ada/SPARK embedded will yield the best results in terms of software quality, it might not be the most efficient in all cases. In this blog post I want to present an alternative method to introduce Ada/SPARK into your embedded development projects.


by Yannick Moy , Claire Dross
Proving the Correctness of GNAT Light Runtime Library

Proving the Correctness of GNAT Light Runtime Library

The GNAT light runtime library is a version of the runtime library targeted at embedded platforms and certification, which has been certified for use at the highest levels of criticality in several industrial domains. It contains around 180 units focused mostly on I/O, numerics, text manipulation, memory operations. We have used SPARK to prove the correctness of 40 of them: that the code is free of runtime errors, and that it satisfies its functional specifications.

#SPARK    #Runtime    #Proof   

by Yannick Moy
SPARKNaCl - Two Years of Optimizing Crypto Code in SPARK (and counting)

SPARKNaCl - Two Years of Optimizing Crypto Code in SPARK (and counting)

SPARKNaCl is a SPARK ver­sion of the Tweet­Na­Cl cryp­to­graph­ic library, developed by formal methods and security expert Rod Chapman. For two years now, Rod has been developing and optimizing this open-source cryptographic library while preserving the automatic type-safety proof across code changes and tool updates. He has recently given a talk about this experience that I highly recommend.

#SPARK    #Cryptography    #Formal Verification   

by Paul Butcher
Fuzz Testing in International Aerospace Guidelines

Fuzz Testing in International Aerospace Guidelines

Through the HICLASS UK research group, AdaCore has been developing security-focused software development tools that are aligned with the objectives stated within the avionics security standards. In addition, they have been developing further guidelines that describe how vulnerability identification and security assurance activities can be described within a Plan for Security Aspects of Certification.

#Fuzzing    #Cyber Security    #Civil Avionics    #DO-356A    #ED-203A