AdaCore Blog


2 entries written

Emma Adby

Emma Adby photo

30 entries written

Emma Adby is the Managing Director of AdaCore Ltd. After co-leading the global marketing team for a number of years, she now manages marketing, financial, legal and HR business operations for AdaCore’s new UK technical centre-of-excellence. Emma also works to advocate for increased adoption and wider use of the Ada and SPARK languages globally by coordinating community centric activities and resources.

Anthony Aiello

M. Anthony Aiello photo

1 entries written

Tony Aiello is SPARK Pro Product Manager, RecordFlux Product Manager, and GNAT Pro for Rust Product Manager at AdaCore.

Raphaël Amiard

Raphaël Amiard photo

3 entries written

Raphaël Amiard is a software engineer at AdaCore working on tooling and compiler technologies. He joined AdaCore in 2013, after an internship on AdaCore's IDEs. His main interests are compiler technologies, language design, and sound/music making.

Jon Andrew

Jon Andrew photo

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Jon Andrew is a Senior DevOps Engineer at B.E.A.T. LLC. Jon earned his degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Arizona and specialized in software engineering before joining the US Air Force, where as a pilot he flew special operations aircraft and instructed new student pilots. He has since earned his Masters in Cybersecurity through Syracuse University and works on a variety of defense and cybersecurity software engineering projects.

Andry Ogorodnik

Andry Ogorodnik photo

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Joined AdaCore in 2015. Member of the IDE team and take a part in GNAT Studio and Ada Language Server (ALS) development.

Olivier Appéré

Olivier Appéré photo

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Olivier is a Certification Engineer and joined AdaCore in 2022.

He has over two decades of dedicated experience in the field of aviation software certification and has a deep expertise in DO-178 software safety certification standards.

At AdaCore, he works on GNAT run-time libraries suitable for certifiable applications.

Allan Ascanius

Allan Ascanius photo

1 entries written

Allan Ascanius is a senior software engineer at Consafe Logistics and developer of Warehouse Management Systems for automated warehouses.

Boran Car

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Boran Car is an Independent Consultant currently helping Hex-Five achieve a wide market adoption of MultiZone. He is passionate about open source and wants to promote a healthy ecosystem that is open source and secure down to the transistor.

Emmanuel Briot

Emmanuel Briot photo

12 entries written

Emmanuel Briot has been with AdaCore between 1998 and 2017. He has been involved in a variety of projects, in particular oriented towards graphical user interfaces, including GtkAda, GPS, XML/Ada, GnatTracker and our internal CRM. He holds an engineering degree from the Ecole Nationale des Telecommunications (Brest, France).

Andrea Bristol

Andrea Bristol photo

2 entries written

Andrea Bristol is the PR and Marketing Campaigns Manager at AdaCore. A marketer for over 18 years, Andrea is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing. In her spare time, she can be found at the stables with her dressage horse Nemo or being mum-taxi to her 3 children.

Ben Brosgol

Ben Brosgol photo

1 entries written

Dr. Benjamin Brosgol is a senior member of the technical staff of AdaCore. He has been involved with programming language design and implementation throughout his career, concentrating on languages and technologies for high-integrity systems. Dr. Brosgol was a  Distinguished Reviewer of the original Ada language specification and a member of the design team for the Ada 95 revision. He has presented dozens of papers and tutorials over the years at conferences including ACM SIGAda, Ada-Europe, SSTC (Systems & Software Technology Conference), and ICSE (IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering).

Simon Buist

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Simon is a Senior Engineer in Altran’s High Integrity Software division, and currently leads the SPARK Evolution work being performed under the HICLASS R&D programme. He is a specialist in flow analysis, frequently working in partnership with AdaCore.

Simon joined Altran when he graduated from the University of Bath with a Bachelor's Degree with Honours in Computer Science. During his career he has worked across various industries, including rail and aviation.

When he is not at a keyboard, Simon can be found baking / cycling / salsa dancing.

Paul Butcher

Paul Butcher photo

8 entries written

Paul is the UK Programme Manager, Head of Dynamic Analysis for AdaCore, and the Lead Engineer for GNATfuzz. He has over 25 years of experience in developing and verifying embedded safety-critical real-time systems. Before joining AdaCore, Paul was a consultant engineer, working for UK aerospace companies such as Leonardo Helicopters, BAE Systems, Thales UK, and QinetiQ. Before becoming a consultant, Paul worked as a Software Developer and Safety Engineer for the Typhoon platform, safety-critical automated train driving software, military UAVs, the Tactical Processor for the Wildcat platform, and mission planning systems for Typoon, EH101, and Wildcat. Paul graduated from the University of Portsmouth with a Bachelor’s Degree with Honours in Computing and a Higher National Diploma in Software Engineering.

Roderick Chapman

Roderick Chapman photo

4 entries written

Rod is Director of Protean Code Limited. He specializes in the design, implementation and verification of high-integrity software systems. For many years, Rod led the SPARK design team at Praxis and Altran in the UK, and continues to work closely with the SPARK team at AdaCore.

Arnaud Charlet

Arnaud Charlet photo

5 entries written

Arnaud Charlet is the lead of Product Engineering at AdaCore and is also coordinating the development of the GNAT front-end. In addition, he has recently led the design and implementation effort on the GNAT CCG and GNAT LLVM technologies. Arnaud previously worked on the implementation of the GNAT tasking runtime, GNAT Programming Studio and CodePeer, both as a software engineer and as product manager.

Fabien Chouteau

Fabien Chouteau photo

69 entries written

Fabien joined AdaCore in 2010 after his engineering degree at the EPITA (Paris). He is involved in real-time, embedded and hardware simulation technology. Maker/DIYer in his spare time, his projects include electronics, music and woodworking.

Abe Cohen

Abe Cohen photo

1 entries written

Abe Cohen is a Technical Account Manager at AdaCore based in the US. Before joining AdaCore, Abe earned a degree in Computer Engineering from Boston University and worked as an embedded software engineer specializing in the development of secure, low power, cloud-connected devices. At AdaCore, he is a technical resource for the sales team, working with customers to understand and solve their technical challenges.

Cyrille Comar

Cyrille Comar photo

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Cyrille Comar is co-founder and Managing Director of AdaCore Europe. He has been involved with Ada for well over a decade. Having received his PhD degree in Computer Sciences in 1986, Dr. Comar joined the GNAT project at New York University in 1993. One of the key architects of GNAT, Cyrille has notably led the implementation of the Ada 95 object-oriented features and the GNAT library model. He was also a key architect of the Ada 95 gcc frontend. Cyrille has published many papers on the Ada language and GNAT technology.

Thomas Couderc

Thomas Couderc photo

1 entries written

Thomas COUDERC is a network engineer at AdaCore. He likes to tinker, automate system, simplify and optimize everything in IT environment, and in life in general.

Sylvain Dailler

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Research Engineer, Inria

Daniel King

Daniel King photo

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Daniel King is a Senior Embedded Software Engineer currently working in the IoT security industry. He enjoys using Ada and SPARK in his open source projects for embedded systems and cryptography.

Pierre-Marie de Rodat

Pierre-Marie de Rodat photo

10 entries written

Pierre-Marie joined AdaCore in 2013, after he got an engineering degree at EPITA (IT engineering school in Paris). He mainly works on GNATcoverage, GCC, GDB and Libadalang.

Thijs Dreef

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Thijs joined AdaCore in 2023 for a 6 months internship as part of his B.Sc. in Software Engineering at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

Claire Dross

Claire Dross photo

17 entries written

Claire Dross has a PhD in deductive verification of programs using a satisfiability modulo theory solver with the Universite Paris-Sud. She also has an engineering degree from the Ecole Polytechnique and an engineering degree from the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications. At AdaCore, she works full-time on the formal verification SPARK 2014 toolset.

Elsa Ferrara

Elsa Ferrara photo

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Elsa joined AdaCore in 2023 as an intern in the SPARK team as part of her engineering degree at ENSIIE.

Charis Fisher

Charis Fisher photo

5 entries written

Charis Fisher is Marketing Engagement Executive at AdaCore. With a Master's in Translation and Editing, Charis has now been specialising in marketing for software, AI and technology businesses for over 7 years.

Michael Frank

Michael Frank photo

3 entries written

Michael has been programming in Ada for over 30 years. For most of his career he has been working on software testing tools for the embedded system market. He recently joined AdaCore to become a Mentor to the growing base of companies who are making the switch to Ada from other languages.

Frederic Leger

Frederic Leger photo

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Frederic Leger has an Engineer Certificate in Electronic Systems and Data Processing that he obtained in 1996. He has worked for Wind River Systems as a Software Engineer for 20 years, and after four years working on Cyber Defense for the French government, joined AdaCore in 2023 as a Product Security Engineer.

Clément Fumex

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Research Engineer, Inria

Kyriakos Georgiou

Kyriakos Georgiou photo

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Dr. Kyriakos Georgiou is a certified Prince2 Project Manager and a Senior Research Engineer at AdaCore UK. He is currently managing the SCHEME (Safety-Critical Harsh Environment Micro-processing Evolution) UK-funded research project at AdaCore, which aims to deliver the next-generation safety-critical, cyber-secure processing platform required for low-carbon complex intelligence systems. Kyriakos is part of the GNATDAS (Dynamic Analysis Suite) team and is actively developing GNATfuzz, a highly automated fuzz-testing solution for Ada and SPARK, which will soon be expanded to support other programming languages. Before joining AdaCore, he was a senior research associate and lecturer at the University of Bristol, UK, where he researched energy estimation and optimization techniques for software and compiler optimization autotuning support. Currently, Kyriakos holds the honorary status of Research Fellow in the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Bristol, UK.

Léo Germond

3 entries written

I am a Mentorship and Service Engineer at AdaCore, which means I'm providing Ada training and technical support or consulting to our customers in the EU. I also work with tooling containerization and Python scripting for the automation of various workflows.

I joined AdaCore in 2020, and for the 10 years before that, I was working at different companies in the consumer-electronic IoT market, on products such as connected energy meters, IP cameras, and handheld pollution sensors.

In my spare time, I run and cook a lot. As I am very curious, I have a lot of personal projects, mostly revolving around "invisible tech": tech so unobtrusive it becomes invisible to the untrained eye. Some of this personal work includes microelectronics or even textile work.

Tristan Gingold

Tristan Gingold photo

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At AdaCore, Tristan Gingold works on the compiler backend, the debugger and the bareboard runtimes. He has ported the GNAT toolset to many new targets, including of course some ARM boards. Tristan Gingold holds an engineering degree from Ecole Nationale des Télécommunications and a DEA in microelectronics from Université Paris VI.

Jessie Glockner

Jessie Glockner photo

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Jessie Glockner currently serves as AdaCore's US Marketing Manager. After providing public relations consulting to AdaCore for over 15 years, she now manages marketing, events, and public relations for AdaCore’s US operations. Jessie is also the coordinator for AdaCore's GNAT Academic Program (GAP), which helps over 100 university members in 25 countries share the benefits of the Ada and SPARK programming languages with its students.

Vadim Godunko

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Forough Goudarzi

Forough Goudarzi photo

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Forough holds a Ph.D. in Electronic and Computer Engineering from Brunel University London. She has prior experience as a research fellow and technical author, as well as a background in the telecommunications industry.

Jerome Guitton

Jerome Guitton photo

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Jerome Guitton is a senior software engineer at AdaCore. After graduating from the french High School Telecom ParisTech, he joined AdaCore in 2002. Mostly involved in debugging and cross technologies, he also worked on various part of the technology: SPARK, GNAT coverage, certification.

Manuel Hatzl

Manuel Hatzl photo

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Manuel is studying computer science at the University of Salzburg and working part time at B&R. One of his goals is to increase the use of SPARK for open source projects.

David Hauzar

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Olivier Henley

Olivier Henley photo

3 entries written

The author, Olivier Henley, is a UX Engineer at AdaCore. His role is exploring new markets through technical stories. Prior to joining AdaCore, Olivier was a consultant software engineer for Autodesk. Prior to that, Olivier worked on AAA game titles such as For Honor and Rainbow Six Siege in addition to many R&D gaming endeavors at Ubisoft Montreal. Olivier graduated from the Electrical Engineering program at Polytechnique Montreal. He is a co-author of patent US8884949B1, describing the invention of a novel temporal filter implicating NI technology. An Ada advocate, Olivier actively curates GitHub’s Awesome-Ada list

Gustavo A. Hoffmann

4 entries written coordinator / co-author

Joffrey Huguet

Joffrey Huguet photo

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Joffrey has joined AdaCore in 2019, during his studies at ISAE-SUPAERO (Toulouse, France). He is now a member of the SPARK team, working on the flow analysis part of the tool.

J. German Rivera

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J. German Rivera is a guest blogger and the 2nd place winner for Make with Ada 2016 and 2017.

Joakim Strandberg

Joakim Strandberg photo

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Joakim Strandberg is a consultant in Ada and associated methodologies. He has a Master of Electrical Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. His current role is Technical Lead at Alstom working with safety-critical systems in Ada/SPARK.

Jorge Real

Jorge Real photo

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Jorge Real is an Associate Professor at the Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. Since 2001, he uses Ada in his courses on real-time systems, mainly to last-year students of the degree in Computer Science. His interest in Ada extends also to his research activity since the early 90's, for which he uses the language both as an instrument for building real-time systems and as a subject of study in itself.

Juan Zamorano

Juan Zamorano photo

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Juan Zamorano is an Associate Professor at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). He obtained his undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering (former Licenciado en Informática) in 1986, and his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering (doctor en Informática) in 1995. Juan is also a member of the STRAST (Real-Time Systems and telematic Systems Architecture) research group. He has used Ada in many academic, research and industrial projects related to embedded systems and reliable software, starting with a project for the Spanish Army in 1988, which was the object of a presentation at the Ada-Europe Conference in Madrid in 1989.

Johannes Kanig

Johannes Kanig photo

10 entries written

Johannes Kanig is a senior software engineer at AdaCore and developer of the SPARK technology. He received his PhD in formal verification from the University Paris-Sud, France.

Johannes Kliemann

Johannes Kliemann photo

2 entries written

Johannes Kliemann is a cross and embedded engineer at AdaCore. He specializes in systems architecture and security and is interested in formal verification, operating systems development and embedded devices.

Felix Krause

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Research assistant at the Programming Languages and Compiler Group, Institute of Software Technology, University of Stuttgart.

Ghjuvan Lacambre

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Ghjuvan Lacambre is a GNAT compiler engineer at AdaCore. Passionate about everything more or less related to programming, he has a particular interest in programming language and static analysis and spends most of his free time improving the tools he uses for programming.

Jérôme Lambourg

Jérôme Lambourg photo

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Jerome Lambourg is a senior engineer at AdaCore. After graduating from the french High School Telecom ParisTech in 2000, he worked first for Canal+Technologies, and then as a consultant for General Electrics Medical Systems, SAGEM Mobile, and Thales Naval. He then joined AdaCore in 2005. There he worked on various parts of the technology: GPS, GNAT Pro for .NET, AUnit, certification tools (the Qualifying Machine). He is now involved in cross and bare metal platforms, in particular as product manager of GNAT Pro for VxWorks.

Lena Comar

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Anthony Leonardo Gracio

Anthony  Leonardo Gracio photo

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Anthony Leonardo Gracio is a software engineer at AdaCore. He joined AdaCore in 2015 after he got an engineering degree at EPITA, an engineering school in Paris. He is currently working in the GPS (GNAT Programming Studio) team.

Manuel Iglesias Abbatermarco

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Manuel is a guest blogger for AdaCore and our 3rd place prize winner for Make with Ada 2017

Karen Mason

Karen Mason photo

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Karen Mason is the Sales Manager for AdaCore in the New York office. She's been with the company for 17 years. In the early years of AdaCore you may have seen her impersonating Lady Ada giving concerts at tradeshows! (See Mom and Dad that music degree from University of Colorado did provide a career for me!) Her working days are filled with interfacing with customers and prospects and promoting Ada and quality software through AdaCore products.

Lionel Matias

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Lionel's been a real-time software engineer for over 10 years, working on real-time safety-critical systems. Fan of everything Ada, he's a believer in the bright future of SPARK and that the technology to build safe software should be in the hands of everyone. He's been experimenting in the recent years with automated testing, static analysis and proof technology, and his new motto is "just use my cycles !".

Jack Mellor

Jack Mellor photo

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Jack Mellor is an Account Manager in the EMEA region within AdaCore. Jack has a focus on the UK critical software development market as well as some other key accounts spread throughout mainland Europe. He is thrilled to be involved in an organisation pushing the boundaries of safe and secure software development to ultimately make the world we live in, a safer place. He graduated the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne before heading out to Paris to start his journey with AdaCore. He is a keen footballer and golfer.

Yannick Moy

Yannick Moy photo

86 entries written

Yannick Moy is Head of the Static Analysis Unit at AdaCore. Yannick contributes to the development of SPARK, a software source code analyzer aiming at verifying safety/security properties of programs. He frequently talks about SPARK in articles, conferences, classes and blogs (in particular Yannick previously worked on source code analyzers for PolySpace (now The MathWorks) and at Université Paris-Sud.

Quentin Ochem

Quentin Ochem photo

8 entries written

Quentin Ochem is the Chief Product and Revenue Officer at AdaCore, overseeing marketing, sales, and product management. His involvement with AdaCore began in 2002 during his school years, officially joining in 2005 to work on IDE and cross-language bindings. Quentin has a background in software engineering, particularly in high-integrity domains like avionics and defense. His roles expanded to include training and technical sales, leading him to build the technical sales department and global product management in the US. In 2021, he stepped into his current role, steering the company’s strategic initiatives.

Quentin holds a master's degree in Computer Engineering from Polytech Marseille, awarded in 2005.

Jonas Attertun

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Jonas Attertun is a guest blogger and the winner of the Make with Ada 2017 competition. With a master's degree in Electrical Engineering from Chalmers University of Technology, he has mainly worked as an embedded software engineer within automotive applications.

Paul Jarrett

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Paul is a software engineer who holds a BS in Computer Science from Virginia Tech, and an MS in Computer Science from Georgia Tech.

Peter Chapin

Peter Chapin photo

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With a background in electrical engineering and computer science, Peter has an interest in both the hardware and software aspects of computer systems. He is the software director of Vermont Tech's CubeSat Laboratory where he coordinates the development of the high integrity software used in Vermont Tech's CubeSat missions. Peter is also involved in certain open source projects including Open Watcom and various others mentioned on his GitHub page.

In the past, Peter has served on X3J16, the ANSI technical committee charged with creating and maintaining the C++ standard (that work is currently being managed by ISO's WG21). More recently he has conducted research on programming language based security in wireless sensor networks (SpartanRPC and Scalaness). He has co-authored a book on the high integrity programming language SPARK 2014.

Peter has an interest in astronomy, waterfalls, and creative writing.

Martyn Pike

Martyn Pike photo

3 entries written

Martyn is a member of the AdaCore Business Development team and is based in the United Kingdom. His role is to architect tooling and services solutions for Ada, C/C++ and model based software development environments. Before Martyn joined AdaCore, he was a consultant software engineer to the UK Aerospace and Defence industry for 10 years. Prior to being a consultant, Martyn worked for Mentor Graphics as a software development tools application engineer. Martyn holds a Bachelors Degree with Honours in Computing from Oxford Brookes University.

Thomas Quinot

Thomas Quinot photo

1 entries written

Thomas Quinot holds an engineering degree from Télécom Paris and a PhD from Université Paris VI. The main contribution of his research work is the definition of a flexible middleware architecture aiming at interoperability across distribution models. He joined AdaCore as a Senior Software Engineer in 2003, and is responsible for the distribution technologies. He also participates in the development, maintainance and support of the GNAT compiler.

Olivier Ramonat

Olivier Ramonat photo

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Olivier Ramonat is the IT Director at AdaCore, leading the teams responsible for operating AdaCore’s Information System, maintaining a secure Software Supply Chain, and ensuring on-time delivery of AdaCore products to customers. Since joining AdaCore in early 2008, Olivier has contributed to quality assurance and production infrastructure and has served as Information Security Manager, leading the NIST SP 800-171 compliance effort. He graduated from IMT Atlantique, France.

Maxim Reznik

Maxim Reznik photo

5 entries written

Maxim Reznik is a Software Engineer and Consultant at AdaCore. At AdaCore, he works on the GNAT Studio, the Ada VS Code extension and the Language Server Protocol implementation.

Nicolas Roche

Nicolas Roche photo

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Nicolas Roche holds an engineering degree from Télécom Paris and a Master of Advanced Study in distributed system from Université Paris VI. He joined AdaCore as a Software Engineer in 2003. After being involved in the design and development of AdaCore supply-chain platform and transition of the platform to AWS cloud, he is now Principal Engineer for the the IT department

Pat Rogers

Pat Rogers photo

9 entries written

Dr. Patrick Rogers has been a computing professional since 1975, primarily working on embedded real-time applications including high-fidelity flight simulators and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems controlling hazardous materials. He was director of the Ada9X Laboratory for the U.S. Air Force’s Joint Advanced Strike Technology Program, Principal Investigator in distributed systems and fault tolerance research projects using Ada for the U.S. Air Force and Army, and Associate Director for Research at the NASA Software Engineering Research Center. As a member of the Senior Technical Staff at AdaCore, he specializes in supporting real-time/embedded application developers, develops bare-board products and demonstrations, and creates training courses and presentations. He serves as Convenor of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22/WG 9, the group responsible for the Ada standard.

Jose Ruiz

Jose Ruiz photo

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Dr. Jose Ruiz is a Product Manager at AdaCore with 25 years of experience in embedded safety-critical real-time systems, having authored/coauthored over 40 papers in that area. He received his Ph.D. degree for his work in the field of real-time and multimedia systems, including scheduling policies and resource management in real-time operating systems.

He is an expert in certification of high-integrity system in aeronautics, space and railway domains, and he has been involved in the certification/qualification of run-time libraries and automatic code generators from modeling languages.

Throughout his career he has worked on the definition of language profiles for embedded systems, and the design and implementation of the run-time support required for executing on bare-metal targets.

César Sagaert

César Sagaert photo

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César joined AdaCore in 2024 as part of the technical marketing team. He is passionate about software development and computer science, with a strong focus on correctness and security.

Florian Schanda

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Alexander Senier

Alexander Senier photo

1 entries written

Alexander Senier is founder and CEO of Componolit, a company dedicated to the development of highly trustworthy systems. Since he started programming, he has been looking for concepts, tools and technologies to develop better software. Consequently, he is a strong advocate of component-based architectures and has used SPARK as his preferred language for more than a decade. Componolit produces open source libraries and tools for building security-critical components and provides consulting to customers in the areas of high security, mobile security and industrial IoT.

Nicolas Setton

Nicolas Setton photo

3 entries written

Nico joined AdaCore in 2001 as an engineer, and has worked on many interesting things since. Now lead of the DevOps-for-Customers team and head of the User Experience unit.

Juliana Silva

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Julia Teissl

Julia Teissl photo

1 entries written

Julia holds a Master of Science in Engineering specialized in Embedded Systems Engineering from FH Campus Wien. As part of her studies, she has developed various projects in Ada and C, like an online platform for students to upload and test their software for microcontrollers (STM32F4), an autonomous on-demand train system using a Raspberry Pi 3 and an autofocus for a camera also using a Raspberry Pi 3. For fun she  develops synthesizers with STM32F4s and Arduinos.

Rob Tice

Rob Tice photo

5 entries written

Rob Tice joined AdaCore in 2016 and is now the Lead Technical Account Manager and the CodePeer Product Manager based in US. With a degree in Electrical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, he has worked in the industrial automation and music technology industries as a hardware engineer and embedded software engineer where he specialized in the development of real-time, embedded applications. At AdaCore, Rob is a technical resource for the sales team, working with customers to understand and solve their technical challenges. He also conducts consulting, training, and mentorship activities for AdaCore’s customers.

Pamela Trevino

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Piotr Trojanek

1 entries written

Software Engineer, Altran

Nicolas Venner

Nicolas Venner photo

1 entries written

Nicolas Venner has a advanced technician's certificate in IT Administration that he obtained in 2005. He's worked for 15 years as a network and systems administrator in the food delivery industry before joining Adacore's IT Network and Systems team in 2019. He is now IT Security Specialist.

Isabelle Vialard

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Isabelle is a student at École Poytechnique, working on binding C cryptographic libraries in SPARK as part of a summer internship at AdaCore.