AdaCore Blog

Olivier Ramonat

Olivier Ramonat

Olivier Ramonat is the IT Director at AdaCore, leading the teams responsible for operating AdaCore’s Information System, maintaining a secure Software Supply Chain, and ensuring on-time delivery of AdaCore products to customers. Since joining AdaCore in early 2008, Olivier has contributed to quality assurance and production infrastructure and has served as Information Security Manager, leading the NIST SP 800-171 compliance effort. He graduated from IMT Atlantique, France.

2 entries written by Olivier Ramonat

AdaCore Releases GNAT Pro 7.3, QGen 1.0 and GNATdashboard 1.0

February saw the annual customer release of a number of important products. This is no mean task when you consider the fact that GNAT Pro is available on over 50 platforms and supports over 150 runtime profiles (ranging from Full Ada Support to the very restricted Zero Footprint Profile suitable for safety-critical development). All in all, from the branching of the preview version to the customer release it takes us nearly 4 months to package everything up! Quality is assured through the internally developed AdaCore Factory.

#GNAT Pro    #SPARK Pro    #GPS    #GNATbench    #GNATdashboard    #Ada    #AdaCore Factory    #CodePeer    #QGen