AdaCore Blog

Kyriakos Georgiou

Kyriakos Georgiou

Dr. Kyriakos Georgiou is a certified Prince2 Project Manager and a Senior Research Engineer at AdaCore UK. He is currently managing the SCHEME (Safety-Critical Harsh Environment Micro-processing Evolution) UK-funded research project at AdaCore, which aims to deliver the next-generation safety-critical, cyber-secure processing platform required for low-carbon complex intelligence systems. Kyriakos is part of the GNATDAS (Dynamic Analysis Suite) team and is actively developing GNATfuzz, a highly automated fuzz-testing solution for Ada and SPARK, which will soon be expanded to support other programming languages. Before joining AdaCore, he was a senior research associate and lecturer at the University of Bristol, UK, where he researched energy estimation and optimization techniques for software and compiler optimization autotuning support. Currently, Kyriakos holds the honorary status of Research Fellow in the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Bristol, UK.

2 entries written by Kyriakos Georgiou

AdaCore for SCHEME — Safety-Critical Harsh Environment Micro-processing Evolution

AdaCore is excited to announce its participation in the SCHEME (Safety-Critical Harsh Environment Micro-processing Evolution) research project. Within SCHEME, Rolls-Royce has assembled a world-class consortium of UK industry and academia to deliver the next generation of high-integrity processing platforms for use in aerospace and other harsh environments.

#project    #research    #UK   

Security-Hardening Software Libraries with Ada and SPARK

Part of AdaCore's ongoing efforts under the HICLASS project is to demonstrate how the SPARK technology can play an integral part in the security-hardening of existing software libraries written in other non-security-oriented programming languages such as C. This blog post presents the first white paper under this work-stream, “Security-Hardening Software Libraries with Ada and SPARK”.

#SPARK    #STM32    #Embedded