AdaCore Blog

An Insight Into the AdaCore Ecosystem

by Ben Brosgol
Memory Safety in Rust

Memory Safety in Rust

Informally, memory safety in a program means that each data access is well behaved; i.e., is consistent with the item’s data type, does not impinge on any storage locations beyond the data value’s boundaries, and, if the program is multithreaded, does not produce an inconsistent or corrupted value. Memory safety violations result in undefined behavior, which is a Bad Thing: instances like the notorious “buffer overrun” can turn an otherwise safe and secure program into a ticking virtual time bomb. Some of the most eventful malware attacks in recent years are due to memory safety violations, and the topic has moved from techno-geek subreddits into mainstream discourse. Anyone developing or acquiring software, especially for applications with high assurance requirements, needs to pay attention.

#Rust    #memory safety   

by Fabien Chouteau
AdaCore Enhances GCC Security with Innovative Features

AdaCore Enhances GCC Security with Innovative Features

In a significant stride towards bolstering the security of the open-source ecosystem, AdaCore has recently contributed a set of security hardening features to the GCC project (GNU Compiler Collection). These features, designed to fortify the software produced by GCC against various cyber threats, highlight our commitment to advancing the field of secure programming and our 30+ years of contributing to the open-source software development ecosystem.

by Fabien Chouteau
Advent of Ada/SPARK 2023 Results

Advent of Ada/SPARK 2023 Results

At the end of November we called the Ada and SPARK programmers community to take on a challenge for a good cause. For each person completing one of the Advent of Code exercises using the Ada programming language, AdaCore would donate $10 to the Ada Developers Academy. And for those willing to go an extra mile, AdaCore would donate $20 if the solution is implemented in SPARK. We are now in January and it is time for the results!

by Fabien Chouteau
Announcing Advent of Ada 2023: Coding for a Cause!

Announcing Advent of Ada 2023: Coding for a Cause!

We're thrilled to kick off the holiday season with the second edition of Advent of Ada, a programming challenge that not only tests your coding skills but also contributes to a meaningful cause.As many of you know, Advent of Code has become a beloved tradition since its inception in 2015. The concept is simple yet brilliant: from December 1st to 25th, every day a new small programming exercise is published on the website. Participants get points for each completed exercise.

by Joakim Strandberg (Alstom) Guest Author
Announcing Ada binding to the wolfSSL library

Announcing Ada binding to the wolfSSL library

Today, we at wolfSSL ( are happy to announce the availability of an Ada/SPARK binding that enables Ada applications to use post-quantum TLS 1.3 encryption through the wolfSSL embedded SSL/TLS library. The wolfSSL library is thread safe by design. Multiple threads can enter the library simultaneously without creating conflicts because wolfSSL avoids global data, static data, and the sharing of objects. When objects are used in the API the wolfSSL library provides opaque pointers to objects whose contents is only known internally by the wolfSSL library. This library interface design makes it easy to make bindings to other programming languages and at the same time enables the contents of the objects used internally to be highly configurable.


by Olivier Henley
A little bit of Photoshop® using GNAT for CUDA®

A little bit of Photoshop® using GNAT for CUDA®

Today I want to go over some internal mechanisms of a Photoshop-like application to better illustrate an up-and-coming tech, GNAT for CUDA®, developed at AdaCore.

#CUDA    #GNAT Pro    #Photoshop    #GPU    #Ada    #AdaCore    #NVIDIA    #GPGPU    #Computer Vision    #Image Analysis    #Bilateral Filter    #Signal Processing    #parallel computing    #Surface Blur    #Image Processing   

by Jose Ruiz
Bare-metal C++ development environment for certifiable safety-critical applications

Bare-metal C++ development environment for certifiable safety-critical applications

We are happy to announce the availability of GNAT Pro for C++, a versatile development environment for bare-metal targets capable of supporting different subsets of the C++ language. It constitutes the best choice for safety-critical bare-metal systems that want to reduce complexity, memory footprint and execution-time overhead, paving the way to software certification. GNAT Pro for C++ targets popular hardware in the avionics, defense, railway, and space domains: PowerPC (32 bits), x86 (64 bits), RISC-V (32/64 bits), LEON3 (32 bits) and ARM (32/64 bits).

#C++    #Safety Critical Development    #Certification    #Bare-metal   

Identifying and authorizing users at AdaCore

Identifying and authorizing users at AdaCore

Back in the 90s when AdaCore was founded, the state of IT security was very different. A unique Unix login and password were enough to connect to a shared server and run business applications. Most of the protocols used were still unencrypted, and the most elaborate access controls were based on Unix groups and perimeter defense. As the company evolved, we gave users access to more and more services, some not hosted on-premise. More services meant distinct credentials. Security-savvy users, who did not accept reusing the same password everywhere, had the burden of maintaining all these distinct credentials. Most credentials were long-lived, and very often shared. Also as the notion of perimeter defense became more and more fuzzy with the introduction of PaaS, IaaS, .. the need for safer access and communication protocols increased significantly.

#DevOps    #Security   

by Elsa Ferrara
Formal Proof on Device Drivers with SPARK

Formal Proof on Device Drivers with SPARK

Programming device drivers requires certain practices or operations. These include, for example, the multitude of volatile variables in the code. On the other hand, SPARK imposes a number of restrictions on programs and also limits the use of certain practices permitted in Ada. Here's a list of hurdles I encountered during my internship involving driver code and the rules authorized by SPARK. I also present ways of getting around these problems, as well as some best practices for having the most SPARK-compatible code in advance. This list is not exhaustive.

by Thijs Dreef
Designing a WebAssembly toolchain for Ada/SPARK

Designing a WebAssembly toolchain for Ada/SPARK

WebAssembly (Wasm) is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine, which was designed as a portable compilation target for programming languages. Wasm can be executed in browsers, native runtimes and embedded contexts.The goal of my six-month internship at AdaCore was to draft a design for a toolchain that would support an Ada/SPARK workflow to WebAssembly. In this blog post the drafted design is introduced and discussed.

by Vadim Godunko
VSS: Cursors, Iterators and Markers

VSS: Cursors, Iterators and Markers

The VSS (as an abbre­vi­a­tion for Vir­tu­al String Sub­sys­tem) library is designed to pro­vide advanced string and text pro­cess­ing capa­bil­i­ties. It offers a con­ve­nient and robust API that allows devel­op­ers to work with Uni­code text, regard­less of its inter­nal rep­re­sen­ta­tion. Last time we provided overview of the library, and in this arti­cle, we will introduce concepts of cursors that are used to iterate, retrieve, and modify text data.

#vss    #Unicode    #strings    #Libraries