AdaCore Blog

An Insight Into the AdaCore Ecosystem

by Claire Dross

Automatic Generation of Frame Conditions for Array Components

One of the most important challenges for SPARK users is to come up with adequate contracts and annotations, allowing GNATprove to verify the expected properties in a modular way. Among the annotations mandated by the SPARK toolset, the hardest to come up with are probably loop invariants. A previous post explains how GNATprove can automatically infer loop invariants for preservation of unmodified record components, and so, even if the record is itself nested inside a record or an array. Recently, this generation was improved to also support the simplest cases of partial array updates. We describe in this post in which cases GNATprove can, or cannot, infer loop invariants for preservation of unmodified array components.

#Formal Verification    #SPARK   

by Claire Dross

Automatic Generation of Frame Conditions for Record Components

Formal verification tools like GNATprove rely on the user to provide loop invariants to describe the actions performed inside loops. Though the preservation of variables which are not modified in the loop need not be mentioned in the invariant, it is in general necessary to state explicitly the preservation of unmodified object parts, such as record fields or array elements. These preservation properties form the loop’s frame condition. As it may seem obvious to the user, the frame condition is unfortunately often forgotten when writing a loop invariant, leading to unprovable checks. To alleviate this problem, the GNATprove tool now generates automatically frame conditions for preserved record components. In this post, we describe this new feature on an example.

#Formal Verification    #SPARK   

by Yannick Moy

GNATprove Tips and Tricks: Using the Lemma Library

A well-know result of computing theory is that the theory of arithmetic is undecidable. This has practical consequences in automatic proof of programs which manipulate numbers. The provers that we use in SPARK have a good support for addition and subtraction, but much weaker support for multiplication and division. This means that as soon as the program has multiplications and divisions, it is likely that some checks won't be proved automatically. Until recently, the only way forward was either to complete the proof using an interactive prover (like Coq or Isabelle/HOL) or to justify manually the message about an unproved check. There is now a better way to prove automatically such checks, using the recent SPARK lemma library.

#Formal Verification    #SPARK   

by Yannick Moy

SPARK 2014 Rationale: Support for Ravenscar

As presented in a recent post by Pavlos, the upcoming release of SPARK Pro will support concurrency features of Ada, with the restrictions defined in the Ravenscar profile of Ada. This profile restricts concurrency so that concurrent programs are deterministic and schedulable. SPARK analysis makes it possible to prove that shared data is protected against data races, that deadlocks cannot occur and that no other run-time errors related to concurrency can be encountered when running the program. In this post, I revisit the example given by Pavlos to show SPARK features and GNATprove analysis in action.

#Language    #Formal Verification    #SPARK   

by David Hauzar

SPARK 16: Generating Counterexamples for Failed Proofs

While the analysis of failed proofs is one of the most challenging aspects of formal verification, it would be much easier if a tool would automatically find values of variables showing why a proof fails. SPARK Pro 16, to be released in 2016, is going to introduce such a feature. If a proof fails, it attempts to generate a counterexample exhibiting the problem. This post introduces this new feature, developed in the scope of the ProofInUse laboratory.

#Formal Verification    #SPARK   

by Yannick Moy

GNATprove Tips and Tricks: User Profiles

One of the most difficult tasks when using proof techniques is to interact with provers, in particular to progressively increase proof power until everything that should be proved is proved. Until the last release, increasing the proof power meant operating on three separate switches. There is now a simpler solution based on a new switch --level, together with a simpler proof panel in GPS for new users.

#Formal Verification    #SPARK