AdaCore Blog

An Insight Into the AdaCore Ecosystem

by Justin Squirek
A new math library for Ada: Neo.SIMD

A new math library for Ada: Neo.SIMD

Developing a game engine often requires a highly optimized linear algebra library for tasks like physics, camera movement, and AI. While many languages already have mature options, Ada’s ecosystem lacks such solutions. To fill this gap, I created Neo.SIMD as part of the AdaDoom3 project. Neo.SIMD takes advantage of SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) instructions, which process multiple data points in parallel and can greatly improve performance for vector and matrix operations.

#Ada    #GameDev    #SIMD    #Assembly   

by Ben Brosgol
Verifying FACE® Conformance for Ada Software

Verifying FACE® Conformance for Ada Software

The FACE® approach (Future Airborne Capability Environment®) is a joint government-industry initiative to reduce system life cycle costs for airborne software through the reuse of portable source code components. Sponsored by the US Department of Defense and currently open to the “Five Eyes” countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK and the US) the FACE approach is administered by The Open Group’s FACE Consortium and is realized through several technologies based on open standards.


by Olivier Henley
Open-Source Ada: From Gateware to Application

Open-Source Ada: From Gateware to Application

The Neorv32 BIOS project demonstrates how Ada can serve as a powerful alternative to C in open-source embedded development. Using a fully open-source stack—including Neorv32 (a VHDL-based RISC-V softcore), the ULX3S FPGA board, and an open FPGA toolchain—this project showcases Ada’s suitability for system programming, from low-level hardware interactions to high-level software abstraction.

#Open Source    #RISC-V    #VHDL    #Neorv32    #ULX3S    #FPGA    #Lattice    #ECP5    #GHDL    #Yosys    #NextPnr    #Gateware    #Softcore    #GAP    #GNAT Academic Program    #BIOS    #Ada   

by Fabien Chouteau
Advent of Ada/SPARK 2024 Results

Advent of Ada/SPARK 2024 Results

At the end of November, we called the Ada and SPARK programmers community to take on a challenge for a good cause. For each person completing one of the Advent of Code exercises using the Ada programming language, AdaCore would donate $10 to the Ada Developers Academy. And for those willing to go the extra mile, AdaCore would donate $20 if the solution is implemented in SPARK. We are now in January and it is time for the results!


by Fabien Chouteau
Announcing Advent of Ada 2024: Coding for a Cause!

Announcing Advent of Ada 2024: Coding for a Cause!

We're thrilled to kick off the holiday season with the third edition of Advent of Ada, a programming challenge that not only tests your coding skills but also contributes to a meaningful cause.As many of you know, Advent of Code has become a beloved tradition since its inception in 2015. The concept is simple yet brilliant: from December 1st to 25th, every day a new small programming exercise is published on the website. Participants get points for each completed exercise.

#adventofcode    #Ada    #SPARK   

by Léo Germond
GNAT Static Analysis Suite Gitlab Integration - Scaling the pipeline up

GNAT Static Analysis Suite Gitlab Integration - Scaling the pipeline up

In the previous blog post of this series, we set up a GNAT Static Analysis Suite (GNAT SAS) analysis pipeline. This post focuses on the pipeline's maintainability, security, and user experience.In this post, we will describe solutions to these issues by detailing the pipeline design and how to automate its update, and integrating a script to ease conducting and pushing reviews. Finally we’ll review using GitLab native analysis tooling to improve the user experience and gain a branch-aware analysis overview.

#GNATSAS    #GitLab    #Static Analysis    #CodePeer   

by Quentin Ochem
Should I choose Ada, SPARK, or Rust over C/C++?

Should I choose Ada, SPARK, or Rust over C/C++?

At AdaCore, we’re in the business of supporting people who develop high-integrity software, in particular for embedded systems. In terms of programming languages, this means supporting the most commonly found candidates, which in 2024 include C/C++, Ada/SPARK, and Rust. If you’ve already made your decision, we will support you. However, in a number of situations, people ask us: “What should we do? What’s the best out there?”. While it’s difficult to give a one-size-fits-all answer, there are some strategic elements to consider.

#Ada    #Rust    #SPARK    #C++   

by Olivier Henley
A new year of Capstones: A Recap of the last Projects

A new year of Capstones: A Recap of the last Projects

As part of the AdaCore GNAT Academic Program, Capstones offers senior higher education students the opportunity to take on challenging and exciting engineering projects within a high-integrity technology and culture framework.As we begin a new academic year, with everyone back and ready to face new challenges, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the high-quality projects completed over the past year.


by Fabien Chouteau
Ada GameDev Part 3: Enjoy Video Games Programming with Raylib

Ada GameDev Part 3: Enjoy Video Games Programming with Raylib

In April 2024 a streamer named Tsoding developed a video game from start to finish in Ada in 20 days. He seemed to have enjoyed the experience, to the point where he says that Ada will be the next trendy programming language for game development. Ignoring the potential irony in the streamer’s comment, I thought let’s give Ada gamedev a little push in that direction.

#Ada    #GameDev    #raylib   

by Olivier Henley
Getting Started with Renode: Simulating an Ada STM32F429disco Blinky Firmware.

Getting Started with Renode: Simulating an Ada STM32F429disco Blinky Firmware.

I recently watched the talks from the 28th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (AEiC 2024), which was held in Barcelona last June.One talk that stood out was "HiRTOS: a Multicore RTOS Written in SPARK Ada" by J. German Rivera. In his presentation, he mentioned running HiRTOS on Renode, an open-source simulation and virtual development framework for complex embedded systems (
