AdaCore Blog

First Ada Virtual Conference organized by and for the Ada community

First Ada Virtual Conference organized by and for the Ada community

by Maxim Reznik , Yannick Moy

The Ada Community gathered recently around a new exciting initiative - an Ada Virtual Conference, to present Ada-related topics in a 100% remote environment.

The first such conference took place on August, 10th 2019, around the topic of the new features in Ada 202x. The conference took the form of a video/audio chat based on the open source platform No registration required, just access over a web browser or mobile application, with the possibility to participate anonymously. The presentation is just short of 25 minutes and is available on YouTube, Vimeo or via DropBox.

Note that while the talk presents the current draft for Ada 202x, some features are still in discussion and may not make it to the standard, or with a different syntax or set of rules. That's in particular the case for all parallelism-related features and iterators (that is, up to slide 16 in the talk) which are being revisited by a group of people within AdaCore, in order to submit recommendations to the Ada Rapporteur Group next year.

As the talk concludes, please contribute to the new Ada/SPARK RFCs website if you have ideas about the future of the language!

Now the Ada Virtual Conference has a dedicated website, where anyone can vote for the topic of the next event. We invite you to participate!

Image by Tomasz Mikołajczyk from Pixabay.

Posted in #virtual    #conference    #Ada   

About Maxim Reznik

Maxim Reznik

Maxim Reznik is a Software Engineer and Consultant at AdaCore. At AdaCore, he works on the GNAT Studio, the Ada VS Code extension and the Language Server Protocol implementation.

About Yannick Moy

Yannick Moy

Yannick Moy is Head of the Static Analysis Unit at AdaCore. Yannick contributes to the development of SPARK, a software source code analyzer aiming at verifying safety/security properties of programs. He frequently talks about SPARK in articles, conferences, classes and blogs (in particular Yannick previously worked on source code analyzers for PolySpace (now The MathWorks) and at Université Paris-Sud.