Ada for micro:bit Part 2: Push buttons
by Fabien Chouteau –
Welcome to the Ada for micro:bit series where we look at simple examples to learn how to program the BBC micro:bit with Ada.
If you haven't already, please follow the instructions in Part 1 to setup your development environment.
In this second part we will see how to use the two buttons of the micro:bit.
To know if a button is pressed or not, we will use the function State
of the MicroBit.Buttons
type Button_State is (Pressed, Released);
type Button_Id is (Button_A, Button_B);
function State (Button : Button_Id) return Button_State;
- Button : The Id of the button that we want to check. There are two Ids:
Return value:
- The function
return theButton_State
that can be eitherPressed
We will use this function to display the letter A if the button A is pressed, or the letter B if the button is pressed.
Here is the full code of the example:
with MicroBit.Display;
with MicroBit.Buttons; use MicroBit.Buttons;
with MicroBit.Time;
procedure Main is
if MicroBit.Buttons.State (Button_A) = Pressed then
-- If button A is pressed
-- Display the letter A
MicroBit.Display.Display ('A');
elsif MicroBit.Buttons.State (Button_B) = Pressed then
-- If button B is pressed
-- Display the letter B
MicroBit.Display.Display ('B');
end if;
MicroBit.Time.Delay_Ms (200);
end loop;
end Main;
Following the instructions of Part 1 you can open this example (Ada_Drivers_Library-master\examples\MicroBit\buttons.gpr), compile and program it on your micro:bit.

See you next week for another Ada project on the micro:bit.

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