NVIDIA is joining the Ada and SPARK adopter wave
by Quentin Ochem –
Over the past several years, a great number of public announcements have been made about companies that are either studying or adopting the Ada and SPARK programming languages. Noteworthy examples include Dolby, Denso, LASP and Real Heart, as well as the French Security Agency.
Today, NVIDIA, the inventor and market leader of the Graphical Processing Unit (GPU), joins the wave by announcing the selection of SPARK and Ada for its next generation of security-critical GPU firmware running on RISC-V microcontrollers. NVIDIA’s announcement marks a new era of industrial standards for safety- and security-critical software development.
For more information, see the joint announcement https://www.adacore.com/press/..., or NVIDIA’s recent blog post https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2019/02/05/adacore-secure-autonomous-driving/