AdaCore Blog

Modernizing Adacore's Open-Source Involvement

Modernizing Adacore's Open-Source Involvement

by Emma Adby

Through the adoption of GitHub we have taken our first step on the way to having a more collaborative and dynamic interaction with, both our users and open source technologies.

Following the migration of our university courses onto GitHub last year, we are pleased to announce the availability of a number of our tools in GitHub repositories, available here:

The decision to adopt GitHub was easy, as we are always looking for new ways to bring the Ada programming language to as many people as possible. By providing tools and practical lessons we hope to encourage the take up of Ada in one of the largest developer communities. In fact, GitHub now boasts a community of more than 11 million people, who are contributing to over 28 million projects!

We have started by introducing: GtkAda (Ada bindings for the GTK+ graphical library), Ada source code and complete sample GNAT projects for selected bare-board platforms supported by GNAT, and an Ada binding for Lua. We will be adding other tools in the near future.

You will be able to use the fork feature in Github to: build from sources without modifications, integrate bug fixes or develop new features, and contribute those changes back to the original project, if that makes sense for both the project and fork owner.

We are looking forward to having yet another means of interaction with the developer community and we are sure that the ability to add enhancements or patches to the repositories will be beneficial to for the tools and the language as well.

Posted in #GitHub    #OSS    #Ada   

About Emma Adby

Emma Adby

Emma Adby is the Managing Director of AdaCore Ltd. After co-leading the global marketing team for a number of years, she now manages marketing, financial, legal and HR business operations for AdaCore’s new UK technical centre-of-excellence. Emma also works to advocate for increased adoption and wider use of the Ada and SPARK languages globally by coordinating community centric activities and resources.