Advent of Ada/SPARK 2022 Results
by Fabien Chouteau –
At the end of November we called the Ada and SPARK programmers community to take on a challenge for a good cause. For each person completing one of the Advent of Code exercises using the Ada programming language, AdaCore would donate $10 to the Ada Developers Academy. And for those willing to go an extra mile, AdaCore would donate $20 if the solution is implemented in SPARK.
We are now in January and it is time for the results!
We counted 27 participants in the forum thread, 213 exercises completed using Ada, and 75 using SPARK. This adds up to $3630 for the Ada Developers Academy!

To be honest we were not expecting so many participants and also not so many using SPARK.
Two special mentions are in order, one for Maxim Reznik who completed the 25 exercises, and another for Mark Wutka who completed the 25 exercises using SPARK!
Thank you all for your contribution.