Ada on the first RISC-V microcontroller
by Fabien Chouteau –
Updated July 2018
The RISC-V open instruction set is getting more and more news coverage these days. In particular since the release of the first RISC-V microcontroller from SiFive.
Since the initial release of this blog post we have improved the support of Ada/SPARK on RISC-V and the HiFive1 board.
In GNAT Community Edition 2018, the HiFive1 is now directly supported on Linux. This means that the procedure to use the board is greatly simplified:
- Download and install GNAT riscv32-elf hosted on Linux. This package contains the RISC-V cross compiler as well the required Ada run-times
- Download and install GNAT native for Linux. This package contains the GNAT Programming Studio IDE
- Download the Ada_Drivers_Library project
- Start GNAT Programming Studio
- Click on "File -> Open Project..."
- Select the "examples/HiFive1/hifive1_example.gpr" file in the Ada_Drivers_Library sources and click Ok
- Click on the "Build all" icon to compile the example
- Follow the instructions in the freedom-e-sdk to flash the example on the board using OpenOCD

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